Council grants are given to groups and organisations which are spread across Pontypool and to numerous local and national charitable organisations

The organisations use these much-needed grants to support healthy living and to ensure a more equal Wales that brings together communities. In turn, this leads to a more prosperous Wales, enabling everyone in the community to reap the benefits. Each Councillor has a Local Voluntary Funding Pot of £2500 that they can award to local groups and organisations in their ward.

You can access the full criteria and application forms below by simply clicking on the title. You will be prompted to either view or download the document.


You can access the full criteria and application forms below by simply clicking on the title. You will be prompted to either view or download the document.


Up to £500 to support specific green projects run by environmental / community groups.

TIMELINE: applications assessed quarterly at Bio-Diversity meetings.

Community Green Grant – Application Form

General requests for financial support available to Voluntary Organisations based in, or operating substantially within, Pontypool and District area.

TIMELINE: applications assessed at the subsequent Finance, Governance & Policy meeting. See meeting dates

Financial support towards team kit or equipment. Junior clubs only.

TIMELINE: applications assessed once per year *DEADLINE FOR THIS FINANCIAL YEAR HAS PASSED*


Financial support towards the maintenance of sports fields.

TIMELINE: applications assessed once per year *DEADLINE FOR THIS FINANCIAL YEAR HAS PASSED*

Financial support towards running / core costs.

TIMELINE: applications assessed once per year *DEADLINE FOR THIS FINANCIAL YEAR HAS PASSED*

Financial support towards the running costs of community halls and facilities.

TIMELINE: applications assessed once per year *DEADLINE: 20th NOVEMBER 2024*

Pontypool Community Council will consider funding requests from National Organisations on a case-by-case basis. Applications can take any format and should be emailed in the first instance to

Environmental Grants are available to schools in Pontypool and District. The Community Council contact all schools directly.

Local Voluntary Funding applications are made by Councillors on behalf of organisations.


If you have a query about grants and funding please email or Contact Us.